
One of the first things many business owners decide when creating their business is the name.

In certain scenarios, however, a business may need to change its name. In fact, this happens more often than you might think. 

Sometimes, you might discover another business with a confusingly similar name and decide to change your business’s name to better set yourself apart.

In other situations, you may simply decide that your current name no longer reflects your business’s brand. 

 “Getting the name of your company right is important for your business. The good news is that you can change it at any time.”

Business & Branding Attorney Ashley Brewer

BrewerLong is standing by and ready to help. If you have questions about changing an LLC name in Florida, contact our business law attorneys today. 

Before Changing the Name, Consider Registering a New DBA

Instead of changing the official name of the LLC, it might be better to register a new “doing business as” (DBA) or fictitious name.

This would especially be the case if your main concern is getting the name right for advertising purposes, since most customers will only know you by your DBA. The best part is that an LLC can have multiple DBAs. 

How Can You Change the Name of an LLC in Florida?

If you have never had to change an LLC name in Florida before, you may be wondering where to start. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. Below are the main steps you need to take to change an LLC name in Florida. 

1. Check Your Potential New LLC Name for Availability

There’s nothing worse than putting in the time and effort of changing your LLC name only to discover that the same name has already been taken. Thus, before getting too far down the road, it is important to check your proposed new LLC name for availability

The Florida Department of State Division of Corporations provides an easy way to do just that. 

At, an official State of Florida website, you can quickly search for your potential new LLC name in an online records database. If another active LLC with the same or similar name comes up, it might be time to consider another alternative name instead. 

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2. Obtain and Complete the Requisite Form to Change an LLC Name in Florida

Once you have made a decision on your new LLC name, you are ready to move forward with next steps.

The State of Florida uses a particular form for LLC name changes. Thus, you must use this form to change the name of your Florida LLC. 

The form is called the Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Organization and can be found on the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations website. 

In the Articles of Amendment, you will have the opportunity to amend a number of items. Examples of things you can change include: 

  • LLC name, 
  • Principal office street and mailing address, 
  • Registered agent information, and 
  • Member/manager information. 

If you only have plans to change the LLC name, you only need to fill out that section. You may leave the rest blank. 

And don’t forget—your new LLC name must end with the words “Limited Liability Company,” the abbreviation “L.L.C.,” or the designation “LLC.” All LLCs in the State of Florida must meet this naming requirement. Thus, make sure to include one of these in the name on the Articles of Amendment form. 

3. File the Articles of Amendment

After you fill out all the information requested in the form, it is time to file your Articles of Amendment.

The filing fee is $25, which can be made payable by check to the Florida Department of State. You may also request optional certified copies and/or certificates of status for additional fees. 

Along with the Articles of Amendment, you must include a cover letter containing your daytime phone number and return address

Once you’ve filed the amendment, the Florida Department of State will issue a formal letter of acknowledgment. This will serve as proof of your Florida LLC name change, so make sure to keep it for your records.

Questions About How to Change an LLC Name in Florida? Contact BrewerLong Today

Running a business is often tiresome and time-consuming. With so many moving pieces and tasks to address, finding the time to handle your business’s legal needs can seem impossible. 

That’s where BrewerLong can be a great asset. For over a decade, we have assisted Florida businesses with all their legal needs.

If you need help navigating the process to change your LLC name in Florida or want assistance with any other business-related legal needs, our experienced business law attorneys are here to help. 

From business entity formation to contract review and negotiation and everything in between, the business law attorneys at BrewerLong have the knowledge and experience necessary to help you take on your business’s legal needs.  

So don’t stress out over how to change an LLC name in Florida. Let our team take that off your plate. Contact BrewerLong today for a consultation, and see what we can do for you. 

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