In 2006, the Walt Disney Company finalized its acquisition of Pixar Animation Studios. Disney’s current CEO, Bob Iger, describes the Pixar acquisition as his proudest decision as CEO of the company. At the time, Disney struggled to expand and take advantage of economies of scale. Pixar brought new technology, expertise, and fresh products to Disney’s portfolio of offerings. The...
You’ve probably heard the terms merger and acquisition before. They’re terms we frequently hear in the news, like the recent announcement that 21st Century Fox and News Corp may merge into one company again. But these very different terms are often lumped together, creating confusion about what separates the two very distinct types of purchases. What is the difference...
Buying and selling companies is significantly more challenging than simply going to the store and picking an item off the shelf. In corporate transactions like mergers and acquisitions, the buyer and seller need to share certain confidential information to evaluate the merits of the deal—they cannot simply look at a price day and decide “yes” or “no” without doing...
Joint ventures let you take advantage of the fundamental concept of strength in numbers. These ten points will guide you as you create and define your joint venture. Synergy. “Joint venture” is a generic term referring to any business activity carried on with the active involvement of more than one company or person who share the profits or losses. Importantly,...