Breaking Down the Dispute: Understanding Ownership Issues in Private Business

A dispute over ownership of a private business can arise in various contexts. Owner disputes are common in small businesses where owners may find themselves at odds over management styles, equity percentages, or the company’s future. Because business owners can have a lot of their personal capital tied up in a company, a dispute over ownership of a private...

If you need help understanding your options for alternative dispute resolution, we can help

In business, disputes can arise anytime—over virtually any issue. There are many choices available to business owners regarding how to handle a dispute, especially when deciding what kind of ongoing relationship you as a business owner want to have with the other party once the conflict is resolved. Understandably, companies and individuals alike are often confused about which dispute...

How to Get Out of a Franchise Agreement in Florida

Franchising can be a quick, easy way to establish yourself in business. As a franchisee, you get instant brand recognition. For a franchisor, you receive payment on the use of your business name and, potentially, royalties on your franchisee’s profits. It seems like a win-win—unless the deal is a loser. Sometimes, the franchise agreement simply is not a match,...

Negotiating a Breach of Contract Settlement in Florida

For Florida entrepreneurs, contracts are an essential part of any business operation. Unfortunately, when your business relies on contracts, you can leave yourself vulnerable if your counterparty fails to hold up its end of the deal. If this happens, you may be faced with filing a lawsuit to recoup your losses. However, before going through the pain and hassle...

Tax Consequences of Dissolving a Business Partnership

Most entrepreneurs begin their partnerships with the intention of their businesses lasting for many years, if not a lifetime. However, not all partnerships mature into successful business ventures. This can be due to various factors—often beyond the partners’ control—such as lack of access to sufficient capital or absence of a market for the partners’ product. In these cases, partnership...

How Does Dissolving a Business Partnership Affect Customers

Deciding to dissolve your partnership and close your business is one of the most challenging decisions you will face in your career. Closing shop is not only stressful for you as a business owner and partner, but it can also weigh on you as you consider the effects on customers when ending a business partnership. However, with the right...

What Happens to Intellectual Property Rights When a Business Dissolves

Intellectual property (IP) is often a more valuable asset than businesses realize. Sometimes businesses understand the value of their IP only once they start to dissolve their company and have to divide their intellectual property rights. Other times, entrepreneurs do not understand how important IP rights are until it is too late, and their IP rights are lost forever....

Can a Business Partnership Survive the Death of an Owner

Losing your business partner can be tough, both for the business and for you personally. While general partnerships confront the death of a business partner all the time, that is no comfort when it happens to you.  One of the most important things to do if your business partner passes away is to take time to mourn and recover....

Choosing the Best Legal Structure for My Business

Business is booming in Florida. According to the United States Census Bureau, new business applications are up 4.3% year over year as of October 2022. Most of these applications were for the formation of small and medium-sized businesses. If you have plans to start your own business in Florida, there is no better time than now. Coming up with...

Types of Trademarks

Recently, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear a case in which Jack Daniel’s sued a dog toy company for trademark infringement. The case presents the Supreme Court with an interesting question regarding the intersection between free speech and trademark law. It also highlights how important trademarks are for businesses throughout America. Trademarks can be valuable assets for...