Business simply is not done like it was in the old days anymore. A firm handshake and a nice meal are no longer substitutes for a solidly written contract. Florida business owners now want to enter into a written contract that outlines what each party is obligated to do and what each party will receive in return. Sadly, most...
Choosing the right structure for your business depends on your goals. When selecting an entity type, consider the formation requirements, liability protection, tax implications, and how you envision business operations and management. If you need help deciding what type of business structure is best for your organization, contact a business attorney. Limited Liability Company (LLC) An LLC is a...
Injunctive relief, also called an injunction, is a legal remedy. It either stops someone from doing something or requires them to do something. It’s used when no other legal remedy is available and to prevent irreparable harm. Injunctive relief is typically sought when monetary damages are insufficient to right a legal wrong or prevent future harm. There are two...
Business clients frequently ask if they can structure multiple businesses under one LLC. Generally, yes. However, how you should structure multiple businesses depends on the circumstances and goals you have for your business. Are you a young entrepreneur looking to launch your next venture as a different brand? Are you in the real estate rental business looking to minimize...
Two or more people entering a business relationship is generally called a partnership. Most people enter these relationships with the best intentions but often don’t plan for when things go wrong. Partnership disputes arise when disagreements occur between business partners regarding various aspects of their partnership, such as finances, management, or ownership. Timely resolution is crucial to prevent further...
When you lose a loved one, the last thing you want to do is get into a fight about what should happen to their property. Yet, family members or others in your loved one’s life may be unexpectedly willing to turn your loved one’s death into a fight. Before you respond to or escalate probating your loved one’s estate,...
Generally, probate litigation involves challenging the administration of the estate of a deceased individual (i.e., decedent). Florida law attempts to ensure estates are closed as soon as possible to avoid a decedent holding title to any property for an extended period. As a result, the statute of limitations on probate litigation is relatively short. With few exceptions, you must...
Farm tax credits in Florida are incentives provided to landowners to support agricultural activities and promote economic growth in the state’s agricultural sector. Operations must meet specific requirements, such as actively cultivating agricultural products and complying with environmental regulations to qualify for farm tax credits in Florida. By understanding these criteria and how to qualify for farm tax credits,...
Agricultural tax exemptions are state-offered incentives offered to encourage and support agricultural activities. These exemptions can reduce property taxes for landowners engaged in farming or other agricultural endeavors. Florida’s agricultural tax exemption program supports the state’s agricultural industry by providing tax relief to eligible landowners. Properties must meet specific criteria to qualify. Understanding these requirements is vital to ensure...
Losing a loved one is hard. Worrying about the deceased’s estate only adds stress to the situation. Probate is the legal process through which a deceased person’s estate is administered and distributed under court supervision. It involves submitting and validating the deceased person’s will in the proper Florida court, identifying and inventorying assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing...